Norwegian language course

We offer Norwegian courses for those who are new in Norway and wish to learn Norwegian.

Most of the courses are during daytime, 9 hours per week. We also arrange evening courses when there are enough participants. New courses usually start in August and January.

We offer courses at various levels:

  • Literacy
  • Beginner, A1
  • Slightly advanced, A2
  • Intermediate, B1

You can read a description of the different levels here.

How to enroll:

You can enroll by submitting our online form or by contacting us via email or phone.

What does it cost?

Norwegian courses typically last between 9-18 hours per week.


You will receive an invoice after enrolling. Please bring the receipt when you attend the exam.

Some are entitled to free courses, and the Introduction Act determines who this applies to.

You can read more about who is eligible for free courses and who has to pay here.


Read more about exams in civic knowledge, Norwegian, and the citizenship test here.


Rauma Voksenopplæring
Mobil 90 76 72 45
Ina Therese Haugan Brude
Mobil 92 49 31 32